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Hasan Rahmani

Hasan Rahmani
Associate professor

rahmani_hsn@yahoo.com      rahmani@znu.ac.ir

   (+98) 91226371   +98 (0) 24 3305 2248
   +98 (0) 24 3228 3202
Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, IRAN. Postal code: 45371-38111


Educational qualifications:


 September 2004- January 2009, Ph.D.


Agricultural Engineering- Entomology (field of Acarology), Faculty of Agriculture , Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Thesis title: “Tetranychoidea and Phytoseiidae of Northwest Iran and some biology aspects of Panonychus ulmi and Neoseiulus californicus”.

First Rank, GPA of  18.60 (out of 20)


September 2002- September 2004, MSc.

Agricultural Engineering- Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture,

Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Thesis title: "Identification of Mites (Acari) Associated with Beehives and Morphometric Characteristics of Species of Varroa Genus in Tehran Province".

First Rank, GPA of 18.09 (out of 20)


September 1998-

July 2002, BSc.


Agricultural Engineering- Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture

University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Second Rank, GPA of 17.01 (out of 20)